VicPD has added bait bike technology as a tool to combat bike theft in the City of Victoria and Township of Esquimalt.
VicPD has been using bait bikes in strategic spots with success over the past two months. They were able to arrest a Victoria area man, who was subsequently sentenced to 8 months in jail. Another man has also been arrested while stealing a bait bike and is facing theft charges.
“The success of the program so far is evident in the arrests made,” Acting Chief Del Manak said. “We have taken steps to expand the program to hopefully reverse the trend of bicycle and e-bike thefts in the City of Victoria and Township of Esquimalt.”
VicPD has acquired multiple bikes as well as an e-bike. The reach and effectiveness of the bait bike program will make people “second guess” stealing a bike as they will not know it is a bait bike until officers place that individual under arrest.