Yet another candidate has stepped forward hoping to unseat Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps.
Consultant and lobbyist Michael Geoghegan says he wants to "pave the way for a future where all hard-working taxpayers are respected and represented fairly."
Geoghegan says one of the biggest issues is the housing crisis, and he feels he's the only one with the right kind of backing to tackle it:
" The fact that the construction industry is backing me shows that this election needs to be about the housing crisis, and if that is an issue to voters out there there's only 1 candidate to vote for and that's me."
Geoghegan is also a supporter of licensing cannabis and vaping lounges:
" I say let's have designated lounges where people can do so in a safe environment and not be smoking in their vehicles and not be doing other things that we wouldn't want to see. By providing a legal outlet we're going to prevent a lot of illegal activity."
Besides Geoghegan the other declared candidates running against Mayor Helps are are: child poverty activist Rob Duncan; Tesseract Computers co-owner Gary Beyer; author, businessman and activist Stephen Hammond; Principal owner of Canada’s Reno Rebate, Sean Leitenberg; Vancouver Island University Sociology Proffessor, Bruce McGuigan; and Saanich Deli owner Krzysztof “Chris” Zmuda.