The head of the BC Restaurant and Foodservice Association’s says the uncertainty in today’s economy is rough, but is speaking out about why he believes keeping a cool head key for dealing with the situation.
“Maybe when the president of the United States figures out how trade really works he’ll understand this is not in the benefit if the United States as well,” Ian Tostenson said. “I think we just got to stay calm. Get out and enjoy your restaurant meals, have a little appetiser and have some fun… You can go down a rabbit hole and get pretty sad about what’s going on right now or you can just be proud British Columbians and get on with it.”
When the B.C. government ordered red-state alcohol off the province’s shelves, it frustrated at least one person Tostenson knew who was relying on exported alcohol from the U.S. It was also a hassle for restaurants to put red-state booze back on the menu. He said the economic uncertainty is “killing us.”
He’s encouraging everyone he works with to remain calm and look to how the industry can come out of this stronger than ever, with diversified supply chains and an emphasis on Canadian products.
Tostenson was on CFAX 1070 with Al Ferraby this morning (Feb. 4):