West Shore RCMP are issuing a warning as they investigate a recent string of online frauds.
In the past 2 weeks, three fraud investigations were reported to have similar circumstances.
The victims told police they answered an online add to work from home.
They had contact with the potential employer, who sent them a cheque to pay for their work, buy some supplies, and then send the rest of the money back to the employer.
The cheques were anywhere from $2000 to $4000-dollars.
In one case, the victim cashed the cheque, spent the money and was then notified by the bank -- that the cheque was fraudulent.
That victim was out thousands of dollars.
The other two victims did some research online -- and discovered they were being scammed.
West Shore RCMP Media Relations Officer Cst. Nancy Saggar says always best practice to research and understand who you are communicating with, before you accept or send money to anyone.