The Mayor of Victoria says the city may ask the province to delay the short-term rental ban until after the summer tourist season.
Marianne Alto tells CFAX1070news that some local landlords need more time to make the adjustment.
"The timing issues that we've heard is about the length of runway they've had in order to accommodate this change, to move from short-term accommodation owners and renters, into the whole notion of providing long-term rental accommodations and becoming long term landlords, which of course if quite different."
Mayor Alto says there are a number of hotel applications in the queue, but in the meantime, there are shortages for short-term rentals options heading into the busy rental season.
B.C. has made regulations which will restrict short-term rentals to principal residences and either a secondary suite or an accessory dwelling unit in many B.C. communities, starting May 1, 2024.
Data shows that more than 16,000 entire homes in B.C. are being used as short-term rentals for the majority of the year.
Many local governments have already taken action to regulate short-term rentals, but enforcement of bylaws is a challenge, and they have asked the Province for more tools and resources.
Data shows that more than 16,000 entire homes are being used as short-term rentals for the majority of the year in B.C.