Victoria council has approved higher parking rates their city-owned parkades. Rates will go up by $1.50 a day.
That means those parking at View, Broughton, Centennial and Johnson parkades will pay $16, while those using the Yates Street parkade will pay $17.50.
Monthly parkers will also see increases of 10% starting June 1st.
Councillor Chris Coleman says the move is aimed at discouraging long term parkers to free up more space for those coming downtown to shop or attend appointments.
But Coleman says it's just a short term solution, and he believes the city needs to consider adding another parkade -- and he has some ideas:
"One opportunity I think is around the Save On Foods Memorial Arena, because we own the land there. And there is a square next to the curling rink that has 150 parking stalls. If we went up with just a 3-storey parkade, with parking on the roof, you could increase the 150 to 500."
He says such a parkade could serve northern end of downtown, arena parking at night, and the new Crystal Pool.
Coleman says the city could also approach the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority, and possibly consider a partnership with the private sector in the vicinity of Capital Iron on Store St.
Mayor Lisa Helps said earlier this week she does not support a new parkade downtown, but is open to a public-private partnership at Royal Athletic park.