Scientists are trying to figure out why some very strange, bumpy, rubbery, reddish-orange-pink, mucous-covered,cucumber-like creatures are showing up in the waters off the B-C coast. And they are a long way from the tropical waters where they usually reside.
Moira Galbraith, at the Institute of Ocean Sciences in Sidney, says they are called "pyrosomes" and each one is made up of hundreds of individual organisms that can eventually reach can grow to up to 10 metres in length.
Galbraith says they are being found off Bamfiled, and all the way up to Alaska.
The creatures are bottom feeders - which is not good news for shrimp and crab who will be competing for the same food.
Galbraith says the pyrosomes came up in what's known as "the blob", a large mass of warm water in the Pacific Ocean off North America.
Galbraith says they will likely be around for a while as conditions are perfect for them right now and the native sea creatures won't recognize them as a source of food.