It doesn't mark the official start of construction, but preliminary geotechnical work will begin next week at McLoughlin Point for the long-discussed sewage treatment plant project.
The CRD says the work is being done to locate the top of the bedrock; to understand the soils and rock beneath the surface; and to help inform the design of support foundations.
Boreholes will be drilled and samples taken over three phases: The first will be done at McLoughlin Point starting Tuesday and continuing for five days; the second phase will start next month and will be done beneath Victoria Harbour where a forcemain will be located; and the third phase, beginning in the Spring, will take place along the route of an outfall pipe that will run from the sewage plant to offshore.
The regional district stresses, however, construction work will not proceed until Esquimalt has issued a development permit. That application is still under review after the township elected to enter into another rezoning process for McLoughlin Point. Esquimalt council is scheduled to vote on amending zoning for the site at a meeting on February 27.