The issue of a district wide approach to dress codes in Greater Victoria schools is going back to the drawing board. There are 47 schools across the Greater Victoria School District, 22 of them currently have a dress code, and some say those codes unfairly target female students.
Monday night the school board was supposed to vote on a recommendation to replace existing codes with a statement about valuing diversity and upholding the BC Human rights code.
But trustee Jordan Watters says it's proving to be a contentious issue, so the recommendation didn't make it to a vote. Instead it has been sent back to committee for further consideration and input from parents.
Meantime Watters has filed a notice of motion that she intends to bring in a motion next month directing the Superintendent to inform prinicipals to suspend any enforcement of dress codes until the matter is resolved.
Watters says the vote was 4-3 to send it back to committee for further consultation.