Saanich police and Island Health are letting us know about the bust of a cannabis kitchen business over 2 weeks ago.
On April 24th police, Health officials, and the District of Saanich examined a facility in the 4200 block of Glanford Ave. They found an industrial kitchen-style facility along with what was believed to be cannabis in different forms.
Judicial authorization to search the premises was sought and granted. A number of items were seized, including edible cannabis products. In compliance with the Public Health Act and Food Premises Regulation Island Health has disposed of the food products.
Sgt. Jereme Leslie says the business was not operating under a business licence, and was not being regulated by any health authority, adding the situation created a concern for people's health. And besides that he says, the products seized are illegal.
The investigation is still ongoing. No charges have been recommended at this time.