Here's a project for your child's third Snow Day in a row.
RCMP need help from creative Canadian kids to name the next generation of police dogs.
The names picked will be given to 13 German Shepherd puppies born at the Police Dog Service Training Centre in Innisfail, Alberta.
Names must begin with the letter "M", be no more than nine letters and be no more than one or two syllables ...
Kids 14 and under can enter one time and they're welcome to include drawings and paintings.
The winners will each receive a laminated 8×10-inch photo of the pup they name, a plush dog named Justice, and an RCMP baseball cap.
Entries must be received by March 26, 2019.
Contest winners and the winning names will be announced on April 30th on the RCMP website and social media.
Click HERE to enter online, or send a letter with your child's name, address, phone number and the suggested name for a puppy, to this address:
"Name the Puppy Contest"
Police Dog Service Training Centre
Box 6120
Innisfail, AB T4G 1S8