An independent review of Saanich's controversial Eco Bylaw says most property owners affected aren't seeing a decline in land value.
The 60 page report done by G.P. Rollo and Associates concludes that District's Environmental Development Permit Area Bylaw (EDPA) is on par with seven other municipalities with similar bylaws.
The report findings say property value remains the same in EDPA and non EDPA areas and fluctuates with the housing market like it should.
However, the findings also concluded that some recent public concerns are justified with a number of properties impacted because of restrictions created.
Peter Haddon, member of the Saanich Action for the Environment group says the report doesn’t present a conclusion that everything is OK but is presenting a lot of comfort in that property values have not gone down in areas affected by the EPDA.
“There are a number of suggestions within the study that would actually alleviate people with specific problems that could be assisted and could be confidence.”
The controversial bylaw was passed in March of 2012 but Saanich Council asked for an independent study because of the opposition.
The EDPA encompasses approximately 2,000 properties has seen significantly more opposition from residents in Saanich as compared to other municipalities according to G.P. Rollo and Associates.
The results of the study are available on the District of Saanich website.