Preliminary test results are back for Cecilia Creek, which feeds into the Gorge waterway, after pollution concerns earlier this week
Mayor Marianne Alto says the test results were given to Island Health who says there are no water quality concerns at this time. "Island Health essentially said to us that there is no immediate risk and that there is no need to close the beaches in the area."
That means the popular Banfield Park dock swimming area has been deemed safe.
Further analysis is still coming from the CRD and Island Health. The tests were taken after a social media post earlier this week caused concerns that a white substance might have been dumped into a storm drain that feeds Cecilia Creek.
"We haven't seen anything new arise since Tuesday," Alto told C-FAX 1070. "Thanks to whoever put that up because it brought it to our attention and it appears to have interrupted the behavior."
"So now we're at the point of trying to investigate exactly what this is, how it happened, and if there's anyone responsible what do we do about that," says Alto.
The possible spill this week comes after another incident in the same location earlier in July. The investigation continues to determine the source of the spills.