An online petition looking to get the tent city at Regina Park in Saanich shutdown.
The man behind the petition wants to remain anonymous to avoid reprisals. He says illegal activities are common in the park and affecting area residents.
He says there's drug use and deliveries, prostitution, trespassing and damage to private property, racial slurs, insults and threats to nearby residents.
He says this wouldn't be acceptable anywhere else, action needs to be taken, and rules enforced:
"If this was just another house, like take the tents out of the situation, if this was a house that had all those criminal offences like this happening, the neoighbourhood would say no -- I'm not okay with that neighbour, and something would be done about it."
Another resident sent an email to CFAX saying she and her neighbours have been living in hell, describing her kids being awakened during the night by episodes of drug overdoses, yelling, screaming, and fighting.
She says there is fear of needles in the kids' play park, and adds car, yards, and homes have experienced break ins, belongings have been stolen, and recently soemone broke into her back yard to go swimming in the family's pool.
The petition has been posted to facebook by "Victoria Citizens Opposed to Tent Cities and Temporary Modular Housing".