Countless families in BC have been left heartbroken by the overdose death of a family member due to an opioid overdose.
Rachel Staples and Brock Eurchuk lost their son Elliot in April and want to see the legislation in the province changed to allow parents more involvement in the medical care of their children.
As it stands, children under 19 in BC may consent to medical treatment on their own without the knowledge of their parents. Elliot was given opioids for multiple surgeries prior to his death, against the wishes of his parents. He died after taking street drugs containing fentanyl.
Eurchuk says they are working with a lawyer to amend the current law.
"We're asking them to insert an amendment that simply recognizes in instances where children are exhibiting lethal, at-risk behaviour, the parent’s right to be informed supersedes any patient's right to privacy when that adolescent or child patient is dependent on his parents for care.
Staples says they have met with BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver who has promised them the issue will be dealt with within the year.