B.C.'s outgoing Minister of Energy and Mines says he does not believe NDP Leader John Horgan will cancel the Site C dam project.
Bill Bennett made the comments speaking on CFAX 1070 on Friday Morning.
“I think he has snookered Professor Weaver into signing an agreement, said Bennett. “ I don’t think John Horgan has any intention of cancelling this project and seeing 2,200 people, 80 per cent of which are British Columbians, laid off.”
Horgan wrote a letter to BC Hydro last week, advising the Crown Corporation to consider pausing some elements of the project so it could be reviewed.
B.C. Hydro responded by saying the delay would mean missing a crucial deadline involved in diverting the Peace River in September 2019. If that deadline was missed, the project would have to wait for a year, costing ratepayers upwards to $630 million.
Bennett thinks Horgan knows this request and a BC Utilities Commission assessment is unrealistic.