An organization that helps provide services to the homeless in Victoria is short on funds and may have to start cutting hours.
Grant McKenzie at Our Place on Pandora says donations are down about a quarter million dollars, possibly because of a backlash over tent city:
"I think what they saw, is because tent city really focussed on the negative and kind of took away from the transformative things that we do. And I think a lot of people sort of failed to realize that you know Our Place is really there to prevent tent cities from happening from helping people."
McKenzie says the agency will have to re-revaluate its hours come January:
"You know after December, which is our biggest month, you know we'll look at things. And if we have to cut back some of our hours, maybe that means we can't stay open until 9:00 at night, maybe we have to come down to closing at 6, we'll look at that, but we'll make it."
McKenzie says rescources are strained in thre winter -- but he has faith things will turn around as the people of Victoria are traditionally supportive of what they do.