Demonstrators taking part in the 'National Day of Action to Defend the Water' gathered at the constituency offices of 44 members of Parliament.
Locally, demontrations were held at NDP MP Randal Garrison's office on Tillicum Road and at NDP MP Murray Rankin's office on Fort Street.
On the CFAX morning show earlier, Rankin says he's dissapointed to be in Vancouver today.
Rankin says he welcomes the rally, calling it 'Grassroots Democracy' in action.
"They're pushing this dangerous project down our throat. They're playing Russian roulette with our coasts, and it's only by people standing up like they're doing today across the country that we're going to get the attention of the Liberals."
Rankin says people have told him there's no where else to turn, so using civil disobedience is the only way to get the attention of the federal government.
Meantime, Federal Green Party Leader and Saanich-Gulf Islands MP Elizabeth May and NDP MP Kennedy Stewart intend to stand with protesters at Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline worksite in Burnaby on Friday