A local MLA is worried that work on the McKenzie Interchange is causing mud and silt to run into the nearby Colquitz River.
Rob Fleming toured the site Monday, after some park users shared photos of the situation.
"I saw a huge amount of run-off coming from what is a pretty large cleared site now for that project," Fleming told C-FAX 1070's Al Ferraby. "It was flooding the river with silt and sediment and changing the colour of the river and the turbidity of the water."
Fleming says it left him concerned for salmon spawning in the Colquitz. He plans to bring his concerns to the Ministry of Environment. "There has to be something done that's going to engineer a solution to keep water impounded to make sure heavy silt and mud isn't going to run right into the river and kill fish or disrupt eggs from successfully hatching."
Sediment fencing is set up at the site of the McKenzie Interchange construction, but Fleming says it appeared to be breached when he was there. He reported it to the appropriate authorities but he want to make sure more action is taken to prevent similar run-off events.