The B.C. Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources says, as far as she knows, OK Industries is following the correct application procedure when it comes to a proposed rock quarry next to Thetis Lake Regional Park.
"Any application for a permit must go through the appropriate permitting process. That's exactly what's happening. Statutory decision makers will be making the appropriate decisions once they complete that process," says Minister Michelle Mungall.
The municipality of Highlands turned down a rezoning application for the property, off Millstream Road. The Highlands District Community Association says residents are worried about the proximity to Thetis Lake, the Tervita hazardous waste disposal site, and an aquifer.
However, the province has ultimate authority over the matter and that's where the application sits. Cowichan Valley MLA, Sonia Furstenau, says the story is reminiscent of the Shawnigan Lake contaminated soil dumping facility that her community fought the province over.
"When we task local governments to provide safe drinking water to their communities, we can't have companies then going around them and undermining their ability to ensure the safety of the water and the environment," says Furstenau.
A decision is due in three to six months.