The input of local elementary school students is being used to shape a playground being planned for the former site of tent city next to the Victoria courthouse.
The province says students at Christ Church Cathedral School and Sir James Douglas Elementary were shown images of a dozen different pieces of playground equipment and were asked to vote on which ones they preferred.
Concept designs are now being drafted. The playground will also feature some adult components, like chess tables, benches, and tai chi equipment.
Site remediation work is still underway. An estimated 28-hundred tons of potentially contaminated soil will be removed before the site is backfilled and landscaped. The focus will then shift to the installation of the playground, with completion expected by the end of February.
The province revealed last month that soil testing done in the wake of tent city's use of the property found contamination reminiscent to a minor gas spill, but with the addition of trace amounts of methamphetamines.