Linda Reid, the former Speaker of the B.C. legislature -- and until Tuesday, the assistant deputy speaker -- is stepping down in the wake of the legislature spending controversy.
CTV Legislative reporter, Bhinder Sajan, says Reid was in charge when it's alleged two senior officials filed inappropriate expense claims. Sajan says the Liberals confirm they are replacing Reid with caucus member Joan Isaacs:
" And you know there's all that speculation with this spending scandal going on that maybe this is fallout. Linda Reid was asked about if she decided to step away from that role, or was asked to, but she didn't answer any questions today."
Last month Speaker Darryl Plecas released a report last month that alleged the house clerk, Craig James, and sergeant-at-arms, Gary Lenz, overspent on foreign trips and made inappropriate expense claims.
Both are on paid suspension pending the outcome of an RCMP investigation, and both deny the allegations against them.
Following release of the report Green Leader Andrew Weaver called on Reid to step down until the allegations could be fully addressed. The NDP's Gary Begg said Reid should explain how expenses were handled.
In its Throne Speech the NDP government pledged to implement reforms to restore public trust.