The annual Kindergarten registration and Kindergarten transfer process will take place next week between January 28 – February 1, 2019. To register a student for Kindergarten, parents and guardians must register children at their catchment school.
Every home address in the Greater Victoria School District is connected to a catchment school. To determine your catchment school, you can use the school locator tool.
The following documentation is required at the time of registration in order to register a student. Requirements differ if you are a home owner or renter.
Documentation requirements
Home owners must provide two of the following:
• Purchase agreement of home
• Recent property tax statement
• Home owner’s insurance
• Notice of Assessment
• A purchase agreement (with subject removal and a deposit receipt if a recent purchase)
If a homeowner is able to only produce one of the above, they will be required to also produce two of the following:
• Canadian bank or credit card statement
• BC Vehicle registration
• Income tax statement
• Insurance documents
Renters must provide:
• A rental agreement signed by landlord with landlords contact phone number
In addition to the above, two of the following are required:
• Canadian bank or credit card statement
• BC Vehicle registration
• Income tax statement
• Renter Insurance documents
Parents and guardians who wish to have their Kindergarten child attend a school other than their designated catchment can apply for a transfer request. To apply for a non-catchment school, parents can submit a transfer request at the time of registration at their catchment school.
English Kindergarten Registration will be processed on a first come first served basis.