It appears the BC Greens are going to wait for the final, final results of the election before engaging in talks with other parties.
At the first news conference since Saturday's election night concession speech, BC Green Party leader Sonia Fursteneau said her focus is on supporting the two Green candidates who won their ridings.
"I'm not going to talk about anything specific until the vote tallies are in," she said, adding that future conversations with other party leadership will focus on securing meaningful outcomes for British Columbians.
She confirmed BC Conservative leader John Rustad and BC NDP leader David Eby have both reached out to her since election night. She was asked about the possibility of working with Rustad.
"I think it is really up to John Rustad to demonstrate what kind of leadership he has at this point, and he has not been responding to very direct questions about things his candidates have said."
Fursteneau confirmed she intends to stay on as party leader, noting that she is the only B.C. party leader elected by its membership.
She also suggested she doesn't plan to hold political grudges from the campaign season while responding to a question related to the BC NDP trying to appeal to green voters in the closing days of the campaign.
"If I were to take everything personally that has ever been said about me, I would be incapacitated. It's not personal."