There's a growing chorus of voices calling for work to get started on improving Sooke Road/Hwy 14 as quickly as possible.
Langford Mayor Stew Young says discussion seems never ending, noting it's been going on before he became mayor 24 years ago -- meantime traffic has increased to an estimated 14-thousand vehicles a day, far more than the road was ever designed to handle.
A citizens group is also calling for the province to 4-lane the highway between Langford to Sooke -- something that was planned for decades ago.
Sooke Mayor Maja Tait agrees work is needed to improve the shoulders, widen the road where possible, improve lighting and more:
"Also for maybe pullouts so that buses when they pull over can actually pullout and safely have their riders, again, on and off the bus instead of some people sort of rolling out the door and into the ditch. And to also look at line painting and, you know, they need to do it more frequently than it's been done."
Tait notes the Province is currently involved in the most comprehensive study to date, examining how to make the road safer all the way to Port Renfrew.