B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver speaking with Mark Brennae on CFAX 1070 says a deal has been done to give the Greens full party status regardless of what happens with a non confidence vote. "It requires one number to be changed in the constitution act."
Weaver didn't go into details on how the constitution act would be changed but he is confident that it is going to happen. "Of course it's coming the same would have happened with the B.C. Liberals. We're in a very unique position they don't want to deal wit three separate independents you want to recognize that we are together and that we signed one accord as a collective."
With full party status, Weaver will get a raise; the Greens will get offices in Vancouver and more time on the floor of the legislature to ask questions during question period.
B.C.’s Constitution Act only gives official party status to groups with four or more MLAs. The Greens have three