Front line workers at Our Place responded to 3 overdoses yesterday, although none were inside the new Overdose Prevention site. There was another one this morning.
Grant McKenzie says while the site is being well used, there are still people who don't want to enter as it would be admitting they are a drug user. So they are choosing to do their drugs in the vicinity. One OD was outside on the street, another in as washroom and the other on the drop-in floor.
McKenzie says he is concerned for the Christmas weekend, as yesterday was what is referred to as "Welfare Wednesday". Drug users have cash, and dealers know it:
" And as soon as they get some money in their pocket, you know, especially people who don't have direct deposit, these are the people going to the cheque cashing places. They come out with cash and the drug dealers are right there saying you know, buy this, buy this. And so that's, that's very difficult for people."
McKenzie says he is concerned for the Christmas weekend, as yesterday was what is referred to as "Welfare Wednesday", and the holidays can be a tough time for many:
"That's why Our Place we really kind of open our doors at Christmas time, and we have our chaplains on call. It can be a very depressing time for people. Because when you don't have family at this time of year and you see everybody else, and you see the commercials and that kind of stuff, it can lead to depression, and depression leads to drug use."
McKenzie says with almost all illicit drugs containing fentanyl now, the risk of overdose is extremely high, which could prove deadly for those who insist on using alone.