The Office of the Police Complaints Commission confirms there's been a delay in 2 disciplinary hearings against former VicPd Chief Constable Frank Elsner.
The Discipline Authorities -- retired judges Carol Baird Ellan and Ian Pitfield -- have granted a request from Elsner to adjourn proceedings that were to start yesterday and next Monday to later in October.
Deputy Police Complaint Commissioner Rollie Woods says Elsner's lawyer was appointed to the BC Supreme Court Bench in August, and he has yet to find a replacement:
"For the past almost 2 years former Chief Elsner has had his counsel Janet Winteringham, who represented him on these matters. And she was appointed to the British Columbia Supreme Court as a judge as short time ago, I think it's 4 or 5 weeks ago. And so he's been seeking new counsel since that time."
The first hearing was to start yesterday and the other on Monday. The new dates are now October 16th and 30th.
Elsner resigned in May, but under the Police Act proceedings on misconduct and harrassment allegations must proceed to a conclkusion. If discipline is deemed warranted, it would be placed on Elsner's record and made available to any police department should he decide to apply for another position.