Space set aside for parking next to Crystal Pool may take on a different appearance than initially considered.
The land is currently set aside to be a surface parking lot, but the city is now looking at including housing and a community space with underground parking to be shared with Crystal Pool.
Councillor Marianne Alto seconded the motion and said she is interested in hearing more from staff and the community about this possibility for the area.
“It may be that at the end of the conversation we all hear from the communities and the interests that this isn’t the way they want to go, and that’s okay,” Alto said. “I think that it’s incumbent on us to explore any opportunity that may come before us in the notion of providing different community serving benefits to the city. Housing space, meeting areas, other activities, all these things could be options here. Whether they are or not will be determined by this process.”
Staff will report back on these considerations at the next quarterly update in September.