Users of Thetis Lake will notice increased patrols this weekend as the Capital Regional District has authorized more enforcement.
Larisa Hutcheson, GM for Parks and Environmental Services, says the decision was made following a high level meeting today -- which included CRD Bylaw, West Shore RCMP, and View Royal Fire Department.
The key concerns emerging were alcohol consumption at Thetis Lake, and keeping emergency access lanes open for first responders:
"CRD will be doubling our bylaw enforcement to deal with those 2 issues out at Thetis Lake for the foreseeable future. And in particular, on those peak hours when we have our highest visitation, and more likely to have calls around more risky behaviours."
Hutcheson says 2 pairs of 2 officers will patrol the park and will approach anyone breaking rules:
" Anybody with open alcohol will have a conversation with a bylaw officer, you will be approached. And you'll either be asked to put that away or if you are not cooperating there, you may be ticketed or ultimately evicted from the park."
West Shore RCMP may also be called in for those who refuse to cooperate.
The issue took on more urgency after View Royal Fire Rescue was called 3 times to Thetis Lake last Sunday, twice for alcohol-related incidents.
Their vehicles were also hindered from entering the park because cars were parked in the emergency lanes.