It's a nice chunk of land.
The Department of National Defense (DND) is considering divesting the land it owns that is currently occupied by Royal Roads University.
The university or the property's heritage buildings won't be affected, but the land is currently Colwood's most notable green spaces. Speaking earlier on CFAX with Adam Stirling, Mayor Carol Hamilton says Colwood has an abundance of green space, but most of it belongs to other jurisdictions.
"It's such a significant piece within Colwood, I mean there are multitudes of dog walkers, trail systems, all kinds of stuff that goes on and from all different points. You've got the Esquimalt Lagoon. You look back on that wonderful landscape. We will and are interested in keeping conversations open and hearing, and if we can participate, we'd be happy to do that."
Esquimalt Nation and Songhees Nation are interested in the land, and negotiations are ongoing.