The City of Victoria is looking for input on its proposed regulations for single-use checkout bags and welcomes comments and suggestions at an open house and town hall meeting Wednesday night.
City staff are looking to encourage a greater movement toward reusable bags as a way to keep avoidable waste out of the landfill and off local beaches.
Victoria City Counsellor, Jeremy Loveday says there are between 2 1/2 and 3-Billion plastic bags used by Canadians every year.
"We've been hearing consistently for the last year and a half since we started talking about this, from the public. But, this is a chance for people to come out and say it to council face-to-face and I think that's an important part of the process."
The open house happens from 6:30 to 7 p.m., followed by the public meeting until 8:30, all at Victoria city hall in Centennial Square.