Curious how Victoria City Councillors have been voting on various issues?
With the click of your computer mouse you can now check on that, and more, with the new City of Victoria Council Meeting "Dashboard."
Prior to its implementation, Council meeting minutes had to be searched manually to see voting and attendance records.
The dashboard includes voting at City Council meetings where final decision-making occurs, and has been updated to the start of Council's four-year term in November 2018.
Users can search by a keyword, and month/year, and further refine the search by Councillor or voting type -- such as in favour, opposed, conflict or absent. Users are also able to cue up the discussion in the archived webcast.
Mayor Lisa Helps hailes the new tool as keeping with the City's commitment to open government and transparency.
The City Council Meeting Dashboard is available on the Council Meetings and Open Data web pages of the City of Victoria website.
For information visit: