Canadians remembered their war dead, as well as members of the military and military families at ceremonies across the country today.
Marcy Hatcher attended the ceremony at Esquimalt's Memorial Park, and brought her 2 children. They are a military family, and Marcy's husband is deployed for long periods of time.
" They give a lot of sacrifices. We are a military family. My husband has deployed for extensive periods of time and is very active in the Canadian Forces. And I just feel it's very important that we recognize everybodythat sacrifices their time and their lives to ensure the safety of everybody in Canada."
She says it's important to recognize the sacrifices military members and their families make every day.
Doug Grant is a veteran and General Manager of the local Royal Canadian Legion. He is also the Master of Ceremonies for the Equimalt event which featured a parade of veterans, cadets, scouts and girl guides and of coursde the laying of wreaths.
Grant -- who has MC'd the event 22 years .... says having the service next to the active base makes the event particularly special:
" We have the naval fleet that are here, and a number of other parts of the military, the air force and so on. And they all congregate together in basically one uniform to show the world that this is a great place to live and this is a super great community."
Grant says he's also heartened to see more and more children coming to the event.