Planning on camping this weekend? Make sure you take steps to prevent a fire from spreading.
Due to the dry weather there is an increasing chance for forest fires, and the B.C. government says human caused fires are completely preventable and they detract resources from those which are naturally occurring.
Some tips to help prevent a fire include never leaving a campfire unattended, keeping a shovel or a minimum of eight litres of water ready, and properly disposing of cigarette butts.
Coastal Fire Centre spokesperson, Dorthe Jakobsen said it's not just camp fires that pose a threat.
“We’re also concerned about all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes,” Jakobsen said. “They should have a spark arrester and always check the muffler and clear build ups of grass and other vegetation. They need to stay on dirt paths, avoid grass and weeds to help the wildfire risk.”
If you see a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone.