A cabin cruiser that burst into flame as it was being refuelled at Fisherman's Wharf in Victoria's inner harbour Wednesday has been raised from where it partially sank on the Vic West Side of the Harbour. It was moved to a marina where it can be inspected.
Victoria Fire Department Deputy Chief Dan Atkinson says fire crews from James Bay were able to get aboard tghe depaqrtment's fire suppression boat and out to the flaming vessel within 12 minutes -- which is extremely fast.
Atkinson says it was a challenging situation in a high traffgic area, but all agencies worked very well together to keep other harbour users away from the area:
" We were taking care of the fire supression and containment part, and Transport Canada and the Harbour Authority were coordinating air traffic to keep the area clear. Obvioulsy we don't wan t a floatplane coming in while we're engaged in fire operations. So it was a very well coordinated response.
Atkinson says crews were able to place their fire boat strategically to get the burning vessel to more shallow water where the sinking vessel would be more easily recovered, and where containment of fuel would be easier as well.