Transportation Minister Claire Trevena has sent a strongly worded letter to BC Ferries expressing her extreme disappointment over a plan to cancel fuel rebates, something that could lead to fare increases. The timing is also of concern, coming just under 2 months after the Province introduced a fare reduction strategy.
Trevena wrote to Ferries board chair Donald Hayes to say she was both "surprised and disappointed" to learn the corporation was about to end fuel rebates totalling 2.9% on the major and minor routes, and 1.9% on Northern routes.
Trevena adds the board was aware the government wanted to negotiate and provide funds to BC Ferries in order to avoid increases, and questioned why they would move ahead.
Speaking on CFAX 1070, BC Ferries President and CEO Mark Collins, says they've been negotiating with the Transportation Ministry on the issue for 6 months, but this is the fiurst time he personally had heard the province might provide more funds.
" Well at least to me that's new infoirmation that came in that letter of last night. So based on that new inforemation we are willing to give the government the time they have requested -- which is 2 weeks -- to look at what they can come up with. If there is that enables the rebates to stay in place, we're very happy about that."
Collins says until now he was only aware the ministry wanted a delay. He says if more funding can be found BC Ferries is willing to give the government the 2 weeks it asked for in order to see what it can come up with.