With just 2 weeks left in the provincial election campaign the party leaders will take part in their final debate tonight.
Unlike last week's debate, which saw bitter exchanges between Liberal leader Christy Clark and NDP leader John Horgan, tonight's format is designed to prevent leaders talking over one another.
Moderator, CTV's Jennifer Burke, says the format will be tight with 2 leaders able to debate one another, while the microphone will be turned off for the 3rd leader.
" So it's a slightly different format. And, again, the leaders themselves have the opportunity to ask their own questions that they've come up with on some of the topics we've given them to ask of each other. So we're putting the ball back into their court."
Burke says British Columbians also submitted thousands of questions, which have been narrowed down to several top issues. The debate goes from 6:30 to 8:00 pm tonight.