It's official. After weeks of backroom talks BC New Democrat leader John Horgan and BC Green leader Andrew Weaver have announced an agreement -- the deal paves the way for the NDP to form a minority government in BC British Columbia with support from the Green party for a stable minority government.
Andrew Weaver says in his view it's the best thing for the province:
" And in the end we had to make a difficult decision. A decision that we felt was in the best interest of British Columbia today. And that decision was for the BC Greens to work with the BC NDP to provide a stable minority government over the 4 year term of the next session."
Horgan told those gathered at the Legislature he's excited about the prospect work working together with the Greens:
"I'm very excited about the prospect of stable government and demonstrating to British Columbians that we can do great things when we work together. We can do great things across party lines when we have a government in place that's anxious to do that."
Weaver says the Green caucus has voted in favour of the agreement and the NDP is scheduled to hold a vote tomorrow. Details of the agreement won't be released until the deal is approved by the NDP caucus.
Last week Premier Christy Clark issued a statement that the Liberal party had ``a responsibility to move forward and form a government.'' The Liberals got 43 seats in the May 9th election, the NDP got 41 seats, and the Greens 3.