On this National Indigenous Peoples Day, the Pacheedaht First Nation is celebrating an agreement with BC Hydro allowing them to buy back an important part of their traditional lands at Jordan River.
The 28 hectares of land is recognized as the origin site for the Pacheedaht and Ditidaht First Nations.
The agreement comes after a 2014 BC Hydro study showed an extreme seismic event could cause catastrophic damage to the dam in the area, putting downstream populations at risk. Hydro then went about acquiring at-risk properties iin order to protect the public, and restrict residential development.
With that process now complete Hydro officials decided with public risk reduced they could now support the Pacheedaht First Nation's plans.
Their vision is to develop it for eco-tourism, including an interpretive centre, traditional canoe rentals, possible surf shops, and restaurants featuring a Pacheedaht salmon bake.
Chief Jeff Jones says it's been the dream of elders to reclaim the land, calling the repatriation an historic event and a step forward towards reconciliation. The purchase price has not been disclosed.