BC Green Party Leader, Andrew Weaver, has appointed Liz Lilly as Chief of Staff for the BC Green Party caucus. Weaver also announced that Taylor Hartrick has been appointed Deputy Chief of Staff.
Liz Lilly is formerly the B.C. Greens Platform Director. Prior to that, she worked with the B.C. government for 25 years. Her most recent position was Executive Director of Climate Policy.
Taylor Hartrick previously served as Campaign Director of the B.C. Green Party's 2017 campaign. He also worked in Weaver's legislative office and has a Master's from Carleton University in Political Management.
The B.C. Green Party recently tripled its seat count in the B.C. Legislature, electing Sonia Furstenau (Cowichan Valley) and Adam Olsen (Saanich North and the Islands) in addition to Weaver.
Current results indicate that the B.C. Green MLAs will hold the balance of power in a minority government.