There are moves afoot to protect Agricultural Lands from being taken up by massive marijuana grow op facilities.
The District of Central Saanich is urging Agriculture Minister Lana Popham to impose a 6 month moratorium on allowing marijuana to take seed on ALR land.
Mayor Ryan Windsor says the conversation has moved from discussing medical marijuana to recreational pot -- which will have a much bigger impact:
"So I'm hoping that the Province will act now to say no, we're not going to do this as we are reviewing the Agricultural Land Reserve. That really was our intent. And I'm hoping the Province takes that's seriously, because if they allow it over the next 6 months and then ultimately determine it's not acceptable use, I think you will have had a number of operators who will potentially get in the door. And then what do you do? "
And Central Saanich isn't alone. The group "Citizens for Protecting Agricultural Land" -- or C-PAL -- had Green MLA Adam Olsen present a 14-hundred name petition to the Legislature Thursday. It asks for marijuana grow ops to be relegated to industrial land -- since marijuana is typically grown indoors.