New developments in the case of suspended VicPd Chief Frank Elsner.
A disciplinary hearing that was supposed to take place later this month into 8 allegations of deceit and misconduct is being delayed to allow another investigation to take place. Frank Elsner exercised his right under the police act to ask for a supplementary investigation, and that request has been approved by the disciplinary authority, and May 9th set as the date for delivery of the report.
Also, because of a retirement, The Office of the Police Complaint Commission has appointed a new external investigator -- Chief Superintendent Trent Rolfe has been assigned.
In a separate matter, we are expecting a decision from the court Wednesday on Elsner's petition to have the Police Complaint investigation thrown out entirely. We also expect to hear about Elsner's bid to have the content of Twitter messages sent to the wife of a subordinate officer sealed.
Elsner has maintained the office never had the right to investigate him in the first place.