A new candidate has entered the running for Mayor of Victoria.
He's running as an artistic platform, under the suedonym "RyMo".
He explains why he chose to run under a pseudonym.
"I think part of choosing to run under a pseudonym was to acknoledge that I walk in as a white male, and there's a lot of priviledge with that, and try to take responsibility, and seperate myself from all the biases I walk around with every day."
RyMo says half the eligible voters only show up to vote, and using a pseudonym will help draw out the other 50 per cent.
He says pseudonyms have been used successfully in other campaigns around the world.
RyMo explains the top issue he sees Victoria facing.
"Specifically for myself, and what I hope that all the mayoral candidates will champion after this election, no matter who's elected to the seat, is consent based conversation. Using a kind of collaborative model, as opposed to whoever shows up is the best case scenario. I think we can do better, and I think that's what's missing with politics right here in Victoria"
RyMo says a lot of people can't or don't go to council meetings and have their voices heard, but their opinions should have equal importance to those who can attend meetings.
RyMo is the 8th candidate to enter the race. Along with him is incumbent mayor Lisa Helps; Sociology Proffessor and Fernwood resident Bruce McGuigan; child poverty activist Rob Duncan; author, businessman and activist Stephen Hammond; Principal owner of Canada’s Reno Rebate, Sean Leitenberg; consultant and lobbyist Michael Geoghehan; and Saanich Deli owner Krzysztof “Chris” Zmuda.