A 42 year old Duncan man who is known to police is facing several charges related to a single vehicle crash on Hwy 14/Sooke Rd about 1:30 Thursday afternoon. The crash was preceded by so many reports of someone driving wildly that the RCMP dispatch centre was overwhelmed.
Witnesses reported a jeep driving erratically, passing cars on the double solid line, and at a high rate of speed estimated by one witness at over 180 km/h on the 4 lane portion of the highway in Langford. That's 100 kms over the speed limit.
The vehicle veered off the road in the 58-hundred block of Sooke Rd., running over a bench at a bus stop, gouging a telephone pole, knocking out a fence, severing trees and coming to rest down a ravine. Police found alcohol and a loaded handgun near the vehicle.
Amazingly the driver suffered only minor injuries, but the jeep is a write off.
The man faces charges of impaired driving, possession of an restricted unregistered weapon, refusing to provide a breath sample and dangerous driving.