Three men are under arrest after a swastika was carved into the pavement in Colwood Thursday night.
West Shore RCMP were called by a member of the public who reported witnessing 3 men with a cement saw carving into the pavement at the lagoon on Ocean Blvd.
Cnst Nancy Saggar says when officers arrived the three men were still there, and officers noticed the swastika:
" And they looked down on the ground right near where the suspects were, and they found that there was a carving in the shape of a swastika ... quite fresh. They could still see the dust, sort of on the road from the cement there. They also located the cement saw and were able to seize that as well."
The witness was able to confirm who the suspects were. The trio were arrested for Mischief under $5000. After being informed of the seriousness of the crime, the suspects apologized for the damage they caused.
Alcohol is believed to be a factor in the incident. The suspects were released on a Promise to Appear in court. Saggar says the men were young, with two of them in the early 20s.
The swastika remains a stark reminder of the ethnic murders, destruction and human atrocities committed under Germany's Nazi regime, which adopted the symbol as their own.